About Us

Music From Ireland (MFI), the Irish Music Export Office run by First Music Contact and funded by Culture Ireland, fund and co-ordinate the Irish presence and promote the Irish acts to international delegates across 9 international showcases annually.

This year MFI is funded to partner with the events below. These are festivals we have identified as key showcases in these territories.

Eurosonic (The Netherlands, January)

SXSW (USA, March)

The Great Escape (UK, May)

Berlin Superbooth (Germany, May)

Primavera Pro (Spain, June)

A2IM (USA, June)

Pop-Kultur (Germany, August)

Reeperbahn (Germany, September)

IFF (UK, September)

Artist Chubby Cat performing  at Primavera Pro in Barcelona

Music From Ireland also contributes towards funding for international delegates to attend Ireland Music Week every year, where 50 Irish artists showcase annually.


The MFI Team


Angela Dorgan // Director

Angela Dorgan is the CEO of First Music Contact, the Arts Council-funded national resource organisation for musicians. First Music Contact also runs the online music portal Breaking Tunes, the annual music industry showcase & conference Ireland Music Week and the Irish music export office, Music From Ireland. A few years ago, FMC established an association of independent music, AIM Ireland.

Angela is on the board of EMEE, the European Music Exporters Exchange, where she was part of a group that devised a global music export strategy for European Music for the European Commission. Angela provides mentoring support to music and export offices around the world. She has a Masters Degree in Sociology from UCC and believes that Arts and Culture are an essential part of the life of every citizen.

Angela was previously chair of the National Campaign for the Arts, who lobby government for increased support, funding and recognition of artists, arts workers and arts organisations in Ireland. During this time, she was instrumental in the lobbying for and design of Pilot Scheme for Basic Income for the Arts.

Angela is a regular contributor and expert voice on music and arts in the Irish media and is a member of the WH Olgivy Culture Collective. She also played the drums. Badly. (her words!) 

Liza Geddes // Project Manager

With over 20 years in the music industry, Liza has worked primarily as a music publicist, with a roster including the likes of Gilla Band, Pillow Queens, Villagers, Bell X1, the Choice Music Prize and many more. She also tutored at BIMM Dublin Music Business department for 7 years.

Running the HWCH / Ireland Music Week media campaigns on and off for over 15 years, the relationship with the festival evolved when Liza joined the Music From Ireland team in 2019. Liaising with industry for showcases such at ESNS, SXSW, The Great Escape...and of course, managing the conference at Ireland Music Week. 

Suzette Das // Artist Liaison & Event Management

Suzette is Operations Manager for First Music Contact. Part of her role involves co-ordinating artist activity for the Irish export office, Music From Ireland, while also co-managing Ireland Music Week, the annual artist showcase and conference event held in Dublin.

Over the past decade, Suzette has developed a keen understanding of the music industry through her work as an artist and as lead of operations within First Music Contact, who run Ireland Music Week and Music From Ireland.

She strives to bring the artist’s perspective into all she does and is hopeful about seeing a progressive industry come to fruition.